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Primary Checkpoints Book 4

$14.50 inc.

ISBN: 9780521142847
Availability: While Stocks Last
SKU: CE-42847 Categories:, , ,


– The Primary Checkpoints series is designed to provide ready-made stimulating activities for students in a wide variety of subject areas.
– The activities and questions are presented in a way that familarises students with a variety of assessment formats, such as NAPLAN.
– There are carefully selected thematic units of work covering areas of the curriculum such as reading, language conventions, numeracy and writing to provide students with solid and relevant practice towards assessment tasks at the appropriate primary level.
– The units give teachers and students flexibility, as they can be completed as a class activity at school or as a homework task.

Each unit of work contains:
– a text type, based on a theme that is relevant to the age and ability level of the student
– reading comprehension questions
– language conventions tasks
– a wide variety of numeracy tasks, including mental arithmetic questions and a problem-solving task.

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