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Fitzroy Colour Reader – Reading Level 1-10

$59.95 inc.

ISBN: 9781875755929
Availability: Normally ships in 5 to 8 Days
SKU: FP-CR110 Category:


Graded stories introducing new sounds and special words.

Titles include:
1 – A Fat Cat
2 – A Big Pig
3 – Bug on a Rug
4 – Dot
5 – The Pet Hen
6 – Fox on the Box
7 – I Can Run
8 – The Picnic
9 – My Pup
10 – John and His Fox

The first Reader, A Fat Cat, uses only 13 letters. This makes it easy for small children to start reading without delay.

The first five Readers each teach one basic vowel sound: a, e, i, o and u. Repeated often, these vowels and many consonants become completely memorable.

Within Readers 1-10, special words like I, have, to, go, for… are introduced – one or two with each Reader. Children quickly learn to read simple-sounding words wherever they see them.

Reader 9 teaches the first digraph, oo as in roof. Digraphs enable children, without further teaching, to sound out whole families of words – including many they have never seen before.

By Reader 10, children are already reading simple sentences with fluency.

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