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Nelson English Language Reference Book

$19.95 inc.

ISBN: 9780170474320
Availability: Normally ships in 5 to 8 Days
SKU: NEL-74320 Categories:,


The Nelson English Language Reference Book Second Edition is an essential guide for all teachers as well as students from Middle Primary onwards.
Aligned to the Australian Curriculum version 9.0.

The new edition assists in understanding:
– essential grammar rules at both word and sentence level
– correct use of punctuation
– spelling skills, such as visual, phonological, morphemic and etymological knowledge
– the benefits of an extended vocabulary
– the structure and language features of different text types.

– The new edition includes a comprehensive set of word lists to build vocabulary.
– It also explores and models different text types, developing an understanding of key elements for each, such as purpose, audience, structure and language features.

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