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Excel Basic Skills Writing Skills Yrs 5-6 Ages 10-12 [R]

$16.95 inc.

ISBN: 9781740200479
Availability: While Stocks Last
SKU: PP-00479 Categories:,


The Excel Basic Skills: Writing Skills Years 5-6 is designed to help Years 5-6
students develop and increase their creative writing skills.
It is a clear and practical guide to writing well-structured, grammatically correct
English. The book is divided into units based on various narrative and non-fiction
text types. Each unit provides a model text, then a variety of practical exercises
that over the important grammar, vocabulary and punctuation points to be learned
when writing for that specific text type.

In this book your child will find:
– Exercises based around ten common text types
– A wide variety of interesting activities
– Fun visual exercises to stimulate the imagination
– Revision sections throughout for constant reinforcement
– A lift-out answer section.

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